The Mechanism of Growing to Love

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The joy of learning.

Today I would like to talk about the joy of learning.

One of my dreams is to share the joy of learning with as many children as possible!
That’s one of my dreams.
Learning here means not only schoolwork, but everything in society and in life.

The Mechanism of Growing to Love

When I think back to my daily life, the things that I have been absorbed in,

I find that I like them more than the things I started thinking,

“I like this! I’ve had many experiences where I started thinking, “I love this!”

but when I tried it, I found it interesting, got absorbed, and came to love it.

What about you?

It is good to master one thing, and it is also good to do more than one thing.

Here are some of the things I’ve done that I’ve become fascinated with.

For example, swimming. I started swimming to lose weight.

Running. I started it for my health.

Triathlon. I was influenced by a friend who was a paratriathlete, and I thought it would be interesting. 

I only knew that there were three events.
I started from complete ignorance.

Multilingual. I started thinking that it would be nice if I could speak languages other than English.
Bread making, and
Growing vegetables. And so on….
I’m having a lot of fun and I’m really into it.

The critical point.

Even things that seem to be a chore until you start doing them reach a comfortable zone.
I call it the critical point.
This is the zone where you feel good.
It’s a state where things that were painful until halfway through become easier from a certain point.

I feel the same way about hobbies in the humanities and physical education.
Let’s take swimming as an example.

A zone where the body feels lighter and less painful. A sense of calmness.
My triathlon was cancelled due to COVID-19. In the meantime, I was swimming in the pool.

Luckily, the swim meets were held and I was able to participate in three of them in the last two weeks.
The feeling varies from race to race, but the feel-good zone came around the time I swam 1000 meters.
For the third time, as I neared the end of the 1.5 km swim, I felt like I wanted to swim more, and the end came very quickly. 

First 5 km swim (ocean)
2nd 3km swim (ocean)
3rd 1.5 km swim (ocean) + 10 km run (land)

This applies to running as well.

From the start of the run, I was breathing hard, harried, and my legs were heavy.

Then, at some point, my body eases up, my breathing becomes easier, and I feel more relaxed.

And you feel like you can keep running like this.

Curiosity is created naturally

These are not limited to swimming and running, but it has been found that when you continue, your brain releases a series of neurochemicals and growth factors, and you become immersed in the process.

People who have discovered this pleasure are filled with a sense of exhilaration and accomplishment after they have done it.

A running enthusiast is immersed in a sense of accomplishment at the finish line the moment he or she finishes running a full marathon of 42.195 kilometers. Immediately afterwards, I’ll try harder next time! 

Next year, I’ll try to get a shorter time!

When I’m running a full marathon, I’m also focused on finishing this race, but as soon as I reach the finish line and realize that I’ve given it my all, I immediately switch my focus to the next race!

I arrive at the finish line and realize that I have exerted myself and finished the race, I immediately feel that I am ready to do my best again!

Even though it was just after the finish line, I feel like I want to run again.
“I can run a longer distance next time!”

” I can run longer next time!”

“I want to run the same distance, but in a shorter time!” And so on.

When you achieve your goal distance or time, you feel more fulfilled and happy with your accomplishment.

Above all, you will gain confidence in yourself.

Then, you will want to do it again. It becomes fun.

This is a cycle of positivity, and you will say, “I want to get better at this. I want to master it. “

I believe that when you enter the positive zone, it becomes a pleasant sensation, and a circuit is created that makes you crazy about it.

Finding new potential

Where can you find your new potential?

Where can Iyou find them?

In order to find them, I hope you can increase the number of things.

One way to increase the number of things you like to do is to
One of the ways to increase the number of things you like to do is to talk with people and ask,

“That sounds interesting,” “I didn’t know you could do that,” or “What is that?

If something catches your antenna even a little, try to find out about it and challenge yourself.

This is the first step. Anyway, I recommend that you start without thinking about this and that.

If there is a competition, even if you have never done it before, try to sign up.
Don’t think about whether you can do it or not, just start practicing so that you can participate.

You’ll be lucky if you encounter something you don’t know, something you’ve never experienced before.

And then, for the time being, I’ll just bite the bullet.

From there, you can decide if it suits you or not.

If it’s an athletic activity, it’s a good idea to sign up for competitions.

Everyone has their first time.

Once you get past that first time, you’ll be more comfortable the second time, and the third time you’ll have the desire to become more advanced and improve your skills.

Also, when you find something you like, you want to improve, so you do your own research, read books, learn from others who are good at it, and so on.

Advantages of joining a club

In the beginning, I started playing by myself.

Of course, you can do it alone. But it’s lonely.

Since I have experienced both doing it alone and joining a club, I feel the difference in effectiveness.
Instead of doing it alone, I recommend making friends and doing it that way.

If you find a club or group on your own and find the same friends, you will be able to continue and improve.

For example, if you want to improve your running, you can join a running team and get inspiration from your friends.

Experienced runners can teach you how to practice and give you advice on running form in order to achieve your goals.

Most importantly, you can participate in practice sessions and continue to do so.

Talking with your friends about your practice and competitions can motivate each other.

Staying active keeps you in touch with others and allows you to make friends.

In situations where we tend to be lonely, social ties are necessary to keep our mood positive and upbeat.

How to get informations

I am currently a member of six clubs and four societies: running, swimming, cycling, triathlon, multilingual, and English conversation.
There are clubs and societies that I participate in frequently every day, and clubs and societies that I participate in only a few times a year.

Each of them has an annual membership fee, but it is well worth it. There are just too many.

Conferences are a great way to learn about the latest information, learn about cutting-edge research, and participate in training sessions.

They are a great source of information. It’s worth taking advantage of. It is good to make a choice according to your situation.

Invest in yourself

You will be investing in something invisible, but the knowledge and skills will accumulate in you and become your intellectual property for life.

The knowledge you gain can also be passed on to others through books, blogs, social networking sites, and e-mail.

There are so many things you can talk about, share, and be inspired by with your fellow club members about the things you are passionate about.

Increasing the number of things you are passionate about will also lead to more like-minded friends.

It is wonderful to be able to support each other in the same competitions and in the goals of our friends.

It is a great thing to be able to say, “My friends are working hard, so I’m going to work hard too.

It makes me want to become a friend who can support the members’ efforts.
I feel that I can trust and stay in touch with people I like.

In summary, why don’t you go on a journey to find new possibilities?

If you do it, it will become interesting, and from there, you will create a circuit that will make you crazy.
For this reason, try things for the first time. It starts with curiosity.
If you say you don’t have time, you will never start. You will not change.
You will not find what you like.
There must be time in your day that you don’t need. It starts with finding it yourself.
Once you are hooked, join a club, make friends, don’t try too hard, and keep going for a long time.

Your life will be expanded and enriched.

Thank you for reading to the end.

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